This method is for WordPress Websites. Other websites can skip the step5, 6, 7.
- Add Domain name in CloudFlare.net.
- Change Nameserver in Domain registration like GoDaddy or Bigrock.
- Select Crypto in CloudFlare and select Flexible SSL.
- Switch on Automatic https rewrites.
- Install CloudFlare plugin in WordPress. Switch on Automatic Redirects.
- Install Really simple SSL Plugin and Activate.
- Install Better Search Replace database Plugin and Search and replace all http://www.gokuldeepak.com domains to https://www.gokuldeepak.com
- Add XML sitemaps to google webmasters search console.
- Select www as the preferred domain in Site Settings in Google webmasters
- In analytics.google.com change preferred domain as https://gforgokul.com
- If you want to redirect http from https://www Please read my old post.